Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Disapearing Block ...

Hello All!!

As you are probably aware, I have been playing with various quilt blocks trying to decide which design to use for my next big quilt. It allows me to try out a block (and practice making the block) but I still have not found the perfect block/design yet.

Today's block is a disappearing 9 Patch block. And I once again played with some Christmas fabric. I will probably wind up making some small table quilts for gifts with these rejected blocks. I made this block with some scrap fabric. The blocks all started out as a 4.5" block, and where sewn together which resulted in this - a 9 Patch Block.

The next step was to cut the 9 Patch Block down the centre block and then cut from left to right in the centre. (I forgot to take a picture - sorry). After cutting the block into 4 smaller blocks they were arranged and sewn back together. The end result is this block.

While I don't mind the look of this block (I like the large squares) I think that this block is too fussy. I want something simple, but while still displaying the beautiful fabric (so small pieces won't work). I plan on using the gold fabric for the back of this block and creating a small table quilt (could be a centre piece or perhaps a large hot plate).

What do you think of this block?

I think that for my next block - I am going to try my hand at sewing some Pinwheels (which means sewing triangles - a wee bit of a scary thought - sewing without the edge of the fabric to guide me)... but there are plenty of Pinwheel tutorials out there - and all else fails - I can make the Pinwheels into pot holders.

Be back later with those pinwheels.


1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    Make 4 half-square triangles and turn them into a pinwheel. Fast & accurate if you measure your squares carefully to begin with.
    Let me know if it works.
