Thursday, September 15, 2011

A quilt in a day? You bet!!

Good evening

(OK technically morning as it is 1:15 am as I type this)....anyways....

Can a quilt be made in a day?!? You bet it can!! Especially when it is a mini quilt.

I wanted to make a little Thank You gift for one of my friends. My summer TV obsession is True Blood and there are a few people at work that also watch. Maria is one of these people (and she has read all the books like me)! Maria was kind enough to make a couple of True Blood gifts for me! So I thought that I would return the favour.

Maria LOVES butterflies and I know that she would have taken the 'Butterflies In Blue' quilt if I could/would have let her. She loved the quilt and she loved the colours too!! So I decided to make her one of her own - just on a smaller scale.

There are many, many free quilt block tutorials out there on the Internet and there were many different butterflies to choose from. I choose a fairly simple pieced block and you can find the butterfly here. But you should check out all of the other blocks as well. I know that I will be using a couple of these blocks to make some quilt squares.

I used some left-overs from 'Butterflies In Blue' to make this quilt.

Here are some pictures of the process to make the block:

First up is a single butterfly.

The original design had the butterfly body as a full square, but seeing as I had a
VERY limited amount of the brown fabric so I decided to paper piece the centre square.
The butterfly is made up with 9 squares ranging from full squares, HST squares, and paper pieced squares.

I made 2 butterflies and added a 1 1/2" border around the butterflies.

It is hard to see but the white fabric is a tone-on-tone fabric with butterflies!

Here is the mini quilt after the machine quilting and binding was done.
 I choose to machine quilt around the butterflies,
up and down the strip in between the butterflies and the outside border.

I just love how the butterflies seem to pop!

Here is a close-up of one of the butterflies quilted.

Anyways, it is getting really, really late so I better head off to bed.

Have a great night/day!


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